Science Selective RecoveryPlus & Recovery Liquid Feed Calc for ingredient amounts
This page is for reference & information only. RRI/VGR1 is not associated with Supreme Science Selective.

       "Recovery is a nutritionally complete rehydratable, syringe feeding diet designed for sick or convalescing rabbits. It is suitable for long-term liquid feeding and is ideal for syringe feeding or self-feeding from a bowl and full instructions are available from your prescribing vet. This food can also be used as a complementary feed for most small herbivores." - Science Selective

       "RecoveryPlus is a nutritionally complete rehydratable, syringe feeding diet designed to provide intensive nutritional support for sick or convalescing rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus. It is ideal for syringe feeding or self-feeding from a bowl and full instructions are available from your prescribing vet or our Feeding Guide. It helps to aid effective recovery from GI Stasis and provides nutritional support during critical care situations." - Science Selective

       Enter your rabbit's weight in the 'calculator' below. Based on Science Selective's recommended directions it will output the exact amount of RecoveryPlus & Recovery ("liquid feed") and water you will need to mix, based on your rabbit's weight.
Calculate RecoveryPlus & Recovery amounts
Rabbit's weight kg lbs  kg

For your rabbit of 1 kg (2.2 lbs) you will need to mix
Product Powder per day + Warm Water💧
20 g
[0.71 oz]
90 mL
6.1 US or 6.3 UK tbsp
0.38 US or 0.32 UK cup(s)
20 g
[0.71 oz]
70 mL
4.7 US or 4.9 UK tbsp
0.3 US or 0.25 UK cup(s)
"Administer small amounts directly into the mouth using an appropriate oral doser, as guided by a veterinary professional. Feed small amounts at regular intervals dependent on the animal's condition."

NOTE!! These general feeding guidelines serve as a starting point. However, it is important to recognize that individual dietary requirements can vary significantly due to factors such as age, genetic predispositions, activity level, overall nutritional status, and any underlying health conditions. The volume and number of feedings must be adjusted based on the patient and clinical condition. For a personalized feeding plan tailored to specific circumstances, consultation with a qualified rabbit veterinarian is strongly recommended.

Science Selective's formula for:
RecoveryPlus: 1 sachet (20 g) + 90 mL of water per kg of body weight (per day).
Recovery: 1 sachet (20 g) + 70 mL of water per kg of body weight (per day).
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[Updated on: 10/18/24 02:43]