Rabbit Revolution, Paradyne, Stronghold, Selehold, & Clearkill SMT [Selamectin] Information Rabbits [Updated on: 12/8/24 12:29]
       As with any medication you must first talk to a rabbit savvy vet for the correct dosage for your rabbit and current situation. The information below is for reference only! The calculator will only show the dosing based on the data inputted. Talk to a rabbit savvy vet!

Note: Zoetis now sells a few new product called Revolution Plus & Stronghold Plus. These new versions should not be used on rabbits as there are no efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics, or adverse studies conducted on rabbits yet.

        Selamectin is sold under the brand names of Revolution, Paradyne, Stronghold, Selehold, Xelamec, and Clearkill SMT. It's used to treat and eliminate some parasites (fleas & mites) on a rabbit. It works by "causing neuromuscular paralysis, impaired muscular contraction, and eventual death", in the parasite. When used correctly it works very well with rabbits. There is no 'offical use' for rabbits currently and it's considered an "off label" use, but rabbit savvy vets will use it when it's safe for a rabbit, like any other medication.

        Revolution and Stronghold are made by Zoetis Inc. Depending on what country you are in you could have access to both brands. In many countries you may need to see a vet first for a prescription and correct dosing.

        Paradyne is manufactured by the same company (Zoetis Inc.) that makes Revolution. It's made for Vethical, a part of VCA (Veterinary Centers of America), the largest chain of animal hospitals in the US and Canada (700+). It's identical to Revolution.

        Clearkill SMT is manufactured by DCI (Disinfecto Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd.) and is made for the pet market in India and surrounding countries. NOTE!! DCI also makes many products called Clearkill "Spot ON" that is extremely dangerous to rabbits!! Clearkill "Spot ON" uses fipronil. Clearkill SMT is the correct product. If this is confusing do not use it and see a rabbit savvy vet!!

       In most countries Revolution is considered an extralabel (or off-label) use for rabbits. The graphic below is from the offical Revolution webpage in Australia. In Australia Revolution is registered (by Zoetis) to treat ear mites, sarcoptic mange, and cheyletiellosis in rabbits from as early as 8 weeks of age.

"Unlike other products, Revolution is not classified as a Scheduled Poison."

Efficacy and Safety of Selamectin (Stronghold® /Revolution™) Used Off-Label in Exotic Pets

From: The Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine • Vol. 5, No. 3, 2007, page 88

Maggie Fisher, DVM, DiplEVPC
Wieland Beck, DVM, DiplEVPC
Melanie J. Hutchinson, DVM - [pdf]
See chart above (best given by rabbit-savvy vet).

To use the calculator below you will need a few bits of information.
  1. Target dosage in mg/kg. Many rabbit-savvy will dose between 12-15 mg/kg. Best given by a rabbit-savvy vet. Dr.H, at the HRS International HQ, recomends 0.05 mL per 1 pound using the concentration of 120 mg/kg. This works out to 12.228 mg/kg, this is the default used.
  2. Rabbit's weight in pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg).
  3. Concentration. This info can be found on the package/pipette or by looking at the chart below. This will be 60 mg/mL or 120 mg/mL.
  4. Double check your entries and press "Calculate ↵"

Calculate for mL dosage
Target dosage in mg/kg: mg/kg
Rabbit's weight kg lbs  kg
Concentration in mg/mL:
60 mg/mL
Dosage in mL: ≈ 0.2 mL
Enter values & click calculate
1 cc or cc³ (cubic centimeter) = 1 ml or mL (milliliter)
"≈" = "almost equal to"

Based on the numbers entered, your rabbit of 1kg (2.2lbs) would use a dose of 0.2ml (0.2cc), of Revolution. You are using the concentration of 60mg/ml, therefore your rabbit is getting a dosage of 12.23mg of medicine per 1kg of body weight (12.23mg/kg).

Math for a 1kg or 2.2lb rabbit: 12.23mg/kg × 1kg ÷ 60mg/ml ≈ 0.2ml

12.228mg/kg × 1kg = 12.228mg || 12.228mg ÷ 60mg/ml = 0.2038ml ≈ 0.2ml (0.2cc)

If you are writing down any information please read: "Unsafe Medical Abbreviations"

NOTE: There are many newer good generic selamectin only products not on the chart below!!
Revolution Paradyne Stronghold Selehold Xelamec Clearkill SMT Concentration Liquid
Weight on Box
Box Color (Click on Box)




60 mg/ml 0.25 ml 15 mg/tube Kitten/Puppy
up to 5 lbs
≤ 2.5 kg

60 mg/ml 0.5 ml 30 mg/tube Dog/Cat
5.5 to 11 lbs
2.5 to 5.0 kg




60 mg/ml 0.75 ml 45 mg/tube 5.1 to 15 lbs
2.6 to 7.5 kg





60 mg/ml 1.0 ml 60 mg/tube 15.1 to 22 lbs
7.6 to 10.0 kg
Box Color (Click on Box)


Blue (Aqua)


120 mg/ml 0.25 ml 30 mg/tube 5.1 to 10 lbs
2.6 to 5.0 kg


Green (Lime)


120 mg/ml 0.5 ml 60 mg/tube 10.1 to 20 lbs
5.1 to 10.0 kg


Gold (Orange)



120 mg/ml 1.0 ml 120 mg/tube 20.1 to 40 lbs
10.1 to 20.0 kg



Green (Teal)


120 mg/ml2.0 ml 240 mg/tube 40.1 to 85 lbs
20.1 to 40.0 kg




120 mg/ml 3.0 ml 360 mg/tube 85.1 to 130 lbs
40.1 to 60 kg
Chart © 2015-2025 http://www.vgr1.com/revolution

How should Revolution be stored?

Manufacture Information Sheets:


Other Resources

OUTDATED: Rabbits For Pets had a very good page on Mites & Rabbits but in late 2017 the page went dark.

Below is their dosing chart and video, using the old dose of 6 mg/kg for mites, based on the older 2003 study. The information is here for reference.


Revolution Flea Control (active ingredient: Selamectin). Information about revolution for pets by Dr. O'Meara.

Revolution Plus & Stronghold Plus - Do not use on rabbits - There are no pharmacokinetics, efficacy, safety, or adverse studies studies conducted on rabbits yet.

        The U.S. FDA (Food & Drug Administration) released a fact sheet alerting pet owners and veterinarians of the potential for neurologic adverse events in dogs and cats when treated with drugs that are in the isoxazoline class. This includes sarolaner that was added to Revolution Plus & Stronghold Plus. - FDA source. Do Not Use On Rabbits!!

        In late 2018 Zoties released Revolution Plus & Stronghold Plus spot-on treatment for cats. Zoetis added sarolaner to the selamectin based product(s). This should not be used on rabbits. There are no pharmacokinetics, efficacy, safety, or adverse studies studies conducted on rabbits yet.

        The "Plus" versions adds the S-enantiomer of sarolaner. "Sarolaner is an acaricide and insecticide belonging to the isoxazoline family. The primary target of action of sarolaner in insects and acarines is functional blockade of ligand-gated chloride channels (GABA-receptors and glutamate-receptors). Sarolaner blocks GABA- and glutamate-gated chloride channels in the nervous system of insects and acarines. Disruption of these receptors by sarolaner prevents the uptake of chloride ions by GABA and glutamate ion channels, thus resulting in increased nerve stimulation and death of the target parasite. Sarolaner exhibits higher functional potency to block insect/acarine receptors compared to mammalian receptors."

Problems reported with cats and Revolution Plus [source]:

Rabbits & Selamectin + Sarolaner The European Medicines Agency (CVMP) assessment reports the following on rabbits:

Page © 2015-2025 RCR. Page hits: 397296 since September 3rd, 2015. [Updated on: 12/8/24 12:29]
All information © of its respective owner(s). Revolution, Paradyne, Stronghold, Selehold (color), Xelamec box images sources.