Rabbit Metacam Calculator for milligrams per 1 kg of Weight [Updated on: 08/31/24 04:06]

       Before you change any dose, for any medication, you must talk to your rabbit savvy vet! There may be reasons for the current dose level. Any reference to a dose (mL or cc) based on weight (kg) will not apply to any specific rabbit! The same rabbit that is recovering from a spay, neuter, broken leg, or dental would need a different dose depending on the condition & rabbit. The calculator will only show the dosing based on the data inputted. The results will have nothing to do with the correct dose for your rabbit's particular condition. This must be done by a rabbit savvy vet!! This information should only be used to compare.

⇉ "Should not be used in rabbits suffering from liver or kidney failure"- MediRabbit

Calculate for mg/kg dosage
Total daily dosage in mL mL
Rabbit's weight kg lbs  
Concentration in mg/mL mg/mL
⇉ Dosage: 0.6 mg/kg

Enter values & click calculate
1 cc or cc³ (cubic centimeter) = 1 mL or mL (milliliter)
1 mls = 1 mL
SID = once a day | BID = twice a day

0.4  mL  ×  1  kg 1.5  mg/mL = 0.6   mg/kg

A more flexible & detailed Metacam calculator for mg/kg dosing

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[Updated on: 08/31/24 04:06]