Megacolon Information for VETS [Updated on: 06/7/15 08:28]

This information is for reference only! See a rabbit savvy Vet if you need help with your rabbit!

Some vets do not belive that Megacolon is a real syndrome or they may not even think that it's a real problem. Others treat it as if it were just another GI problem, it is not. Below is reference information that you can print out and take to your vet.

Loading... Things to rule out before MC: "Differential diagnosis for megacolon in rabbits" @ MediRabbit by Esther van Praag, Ph.D

[local pdf copy pulled: Jan18 15:55:48PST 2015]

Loading... Latest Megacolon study published: April 15, 2014.

"The KIT Gene Is Associated with the English Spotting Coat Color Locus and Congenital Megacolon in Checkered Giant Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)" @ University of Bologna, Italy

There are a group of studies, out of Germany from 1991-1995, that researched the Megacolon issue. They have some interesting findings. I have not been able to find all the papers themselves, only the abstracts. Visit the Studies & Papers webpage for more information.

Loading... There are many DVM's & people that do not belive that "Cow Pile Syndrome" (aka Megacolon) is a "medically recognized condition". If your rabbit has Megacolon you might be in for an uphill battle depending on the VET. Here is an [HRS] House Rabbit Society article that reports on this non MC/CPS idea. Disorders of the Cecum by Marie Mead, has a small section on "COW PILE SYNDROME":

"Cow pile syndrome, named for its most visible characteristic, may result from a combination of factors, including genetic, environmental, and dietary. Though not a medically recognized condition, brief mention is included because of some of the similarities with cecal motility disorders.

Determining whether a rabbit is suffering from a condition that affects the cecum or colon requires the skill of an experienced rabbit veterinarian. The caregiver can assist in the process by providing astute and accurate observations about the problem. Additional factors aid in the diagnostic process, including the history of medications, description of the diet (including dates and details of change), any possible foreign materials ingested and date of occurrence(s), and stress factors. Regardless of the condition, appropriate diet plays a crucial role in the recovery and health of the rabbit.
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