Basic Megacolon info for Rabbits - The curse of the 33 spots [Updated on: 09/8/17 01:15]
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Basic Information
The curse of the 33 spots...
"A change in breeders' attitude and breeding practices is mandatory because neither the permanent elimination of animals not "fitting" a fancy standard nor the continuous production of defective genotypes is legal." - Gerlitz S., Wessel G., Wieberneit D., & Wegner W.

English Spotting
Gene & Breed

What causes

Online Support
& Resources

Info for
a Vet

Research Papers
Spring 17
Bunny Mad!
Spring 17

H.Halliday/The Rabbit Crossing

poop examples
Horatio Binky photo credit D.Tomlin

Example photos of
En/En rabbits

Older Mishmash
MC Page

BunnyMad!         February 27, 2017: Bunny Creations Bunny Mad! magazine is now out. The Spring 2017 issue features an article on Megacolon by Dani Tomlin (administrator for Megacolon Bunnies on Facebook). It covers many topic from the cause to treatment. You can purchase it at the Bunny Creations Store (ships worldwide) and at any Pets At Home stores (in the UK).

RabbitingOn         February 16, 2017: RWAF's (Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund - UK) latest member magazine is now out. RabbitingOn (Spring 17) has an article, "Megacolon: Digestive system problem", that gives a good overview of MC. It's written by Dr. Nadine Stapleton an exotics vet from of the RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons - London). It's currently available to members only. After 3 months it will be available in their online shop.

        October 21st, 2015: Dr. David Sherwood of Sherwood Forest Natural Rabbit Food LLC is "developing a saliva test to test for megacolon." - "I am working on developing a genetic test (need a mouth swab) to confirm it." - "The genetic test is going to be a basic PCR for the gene. That is why all we need is a mouth swab for DNA extraction." - "I have been in contact with two labs (ohio and texas) that can likely do it for under $30 with a mouth swab. It will take more time to actually develop and verify the test but maybe by the end of the year." - Dr. David

        April 5, 2015: The All Ears Podcast has a expanaded Megacolon section from Ep. 6. Listen to the podcast here:

        March 24, 2015: The All Ears Podcast, Episode 6 has a breif mention of Megacolon by Jo Hinde (Blue Cross Vet Nurse of the Year 2014 & RWAF Outreach Officer.) Listen to the their podcasts here:

Generated by         April 15, 2014: Latest Megacolon study from the University of Bologna, Italy. "The KIT Gene Is Associated with the English Spotting Coat Color Locus and Congenital Megacolon in Checkered Giant Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)."
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