International Rabbit Day - Held on the last Saturday in September. [Updated on: 09/29/17 07:13]

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News - International rabbit day Milano 2010 .

International rabbit day Milano 2010 .

       INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) was created in 1998 by The Rabbit Charity from the UK. - "The Rabbit Charity's aims are rescue, education, promoting kindness and preventing cruelty to rabbits."

       "The Rabbit Charity is the international charity for the welfare of bunnies (reg. No 1068622). Our aims are:"
  • To rescue abandoned/unwanted rabbits and find permanent homes for them
  • To educate and advise the public, veterinarians and other humane societies
  • To promote kindness and prevent cruelty to rabbits

       The INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) was one of the many campaigns by the The Rabbit Charity.

The Rabbit Charity's Active Dates: January 1997 to Early 2002

       History: The Rabbit Charity was started in January 1997. Later that year they opened a helpline and a their first foster home in London. This was followed by start of their publications: The Rabbit Habit (R) for members, Rabbit Healthcare(TM) for vets & The Carrot Gazette(TM) for kids.

       On March 13th, 1998 they registered as an international charity (No 1068622). On September 22, 1999, Carolina James - Director of The Rabbit Charity, registered the domain


       Reason: "Bunnies everywhere deserve a better life and International Rabbit Day will focus on giving them just that. It is also a day for bunny caregivers to exchange ideas and hear about the latest developments in rabbit habitats, toys, welfare, health and behaviour. Hop to it and organise an educational/fundraising event to help less fortunate bunnies have a better day too."

       In early in 2001 they started to set a few ground rules for the event: "We welcome rescue centres, charitable organisations, schools, vets, local authorities and other like-minded groups and individuals to take part in International Rabbit Day(R). Please register your event to help us publicise it. Please note that Rabbit Day(R) and International Rabbit Day(R) are registered trademarks and may not be used for commercial purposes or to promote rabbit breeding and showing."

       They started to ask for people to submit logos for the event. Here are a few ideas they posted: "Examples of greetings: You don't have to be a bunny to enjoy International Rabbit Day! Hoppy Rabbit Day! Bunnies Rule Lops of love on International Rabbit Day Happy Rabbit Day! You are nobody till somebunny loves you."


Many websites are not sure if the date is... the 4th Saturday or Sunday of September? This looks to be incorrect. It should be the last Saturday in Septmeber. - See picture on the right.

       The last Saturday in September is when The Rabbit Charity wanted or planned to have INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R). This information was posted at the UK Charity Directory web site on The Rabbit Charity's information page: "Organisers of International Rabbit Day (last Saturday in September)." In 2001 there were 5 Saturdays in the month and The Rabbit Charity held the even on the 5th Saturday, the 29th, not the 4th Saturday.

  • Date Examples:
  • recomends "Until we find the creators, we suggest you use the Fourth Saturday of September to celebrate International Rabbit Day."
  • Posted: Friday, September 27, 2013 @ 11:30am on "Happy International Rabbit Day! Tomorrow, September 28, is International Rabbit Day, dedicated to arguably the most adorable animal with two ears!"
  • [HRS]: "international Rabbit Day is held on the fourth Saturday or Sunday of September; in 2013 it will be held on September 28."

What day did the The Rabbit Charity hold IRD?:
  • 1st - INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) was held on Saturday September 26th, 1998 - This is referenced on the Rabbit Information Service Page (IRD Page) in Australia.[1] & The Rabbit Charity webpage dated October 22nd, 1999.
  • 2nd - INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) was held on Saturday September 25th, 1999 - Bunny Basics
  • 3rd - INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) was held on Sunday September 24th, 2000 - Bunnies deserve better
  • 4th - INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) was held on Saturday September 29th, 2001 - One of the family
  • 5th - INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) was held on Saturday September 28th, 2002 - Happy Bunnies
  • 6th - For some reason the The Rabbit Charity webpage was gone after January 22nd, 2002. There is no information after this.
  • The 'day' and tradition is still celebrated today.
  • Many rabbit rescues celebrate the day on the 4th weekend in September. They also may hold events the weekend before or after.

Information from other webpages as to when they celabrated IRD:
  • September 28th 2013 - Saturday []
  • September 09th 2012 - Saturday []
  • September 24th 2011 - Saturday []
  • September 26th 2010 - Sunday []
  • October 1st 2005 - Saturday []

INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R) Posters and videos from around the world:

[1] "Rabbit Charity volunteers will be in Harrods on September 25th giving out leaflets and answering questions about rabbits. Like last year, we are hoping rabbit lovers will take part in International Rabbit Day by organizing rabbit awareness and fundraising events. Simply sending our press release to your local paper is a good way to help bunnies in your area. For a Bunny Basics leaflet and ideas for International Rabbit Day, contact The Rabbit Charity, P.O. Box 23698, London N8 OWS enclosing a SAE, or visit our website at (Rabbit-Clubbers, see below for your copy of Bunny Basics! And stay tuned for The Rabbit Club Worldwides International Rabbit Day happenings! Announcements coming soon!)" - This information was on a page that was dated: Sat 25 Sep 1999 02:16:28 PM PDT. This was the day of the 1st offical INTERNATIONAL RABBIT DAY(R). reference page. [local copy].

Last Saturday of September
17th 2015: Sep 26th
18th 2016: Sep 24th
19th 2017: Sep 30th
20th 2018: Sep 29th
21st 2019: Sep 28th
22nd 2020: Sep 26th

The pictures below were pulled from a mirror of The Rabbit Charity's webpages from December 6th, 2001

Most of these baby's pictures have not been seen in over 14 years.

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