National Foster a Pet Month was originally created as a initiative by Petco Love in 2019. Fostering involves providing temporary care for rabbits until they’re ready for adoption. It’s a rewarding experience that helps homeless rabbits find good forever homes. By fostering, individuals play a crucial role in preparing pets for adoption and alleviating overcrowding in shelters. So, if you’re considering fostering, June is the perfect time to get involved!

    There are an estimated 1.5 million pets unnecessarily euthanized in shelters in the United States each year (source: ASPCA).

    “Ending preventable euthanasia of shelter pets is possible today.” - “Data tells us that if we could encourage 2% more of the 85-million pet-owning households to foster just one pet a year, we can eliminate preventable euthanasia and save the lives of the 800,000 shelter animals at risk of euthanization.” - Susanne Kogut, president of Petco Love.

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[Updated on: 06/25/24 02:17]